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Don’t be afraid of the snow predictions! The Landmarks Hearing to protect the North End’s legendary Nazzaro building is ON, TONIGHT at 6 p.m. in Boston City Hall, room 900 on the 9th floor. We are eager to see you there! A large community turnout is essential if we are going to get a positive vote from the Commission to go forward.

If the snow is worse than expected, the City may decide to shut City Hall. That would be the only event that would postpone our hearing. I will be monitoring this and will post a message if this happens. But we have checked and no one predicts that will happen.

Our Save the Nazzaro campaign started in the pouring rain, when many of you stopped outside to sign the Landmarks petition as you voted in the Nazzaro Building on Election Day. We hope the snow won’t deter you either! We expect to be joined by many supporters, including our elected officials and Michael Nazzaro’s daughter.

So we hope to see you tonight–come and show your support for this beautiful building, for our culture, our neighborhood, our immigrant legacy. Please send a letter as well, showing your support. Email your letter to

Thank you all! See you Tonight!

–Ellen, Marie and Kirsten, Save the Nazzaro Coalition