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We need everyone to show up and fill room 900 at Boston City Hall at 6 .m. on Feb. 12!!

That is when the Landmarks Commission will take up our petition to save the Nazzaro building.

Over 800 Boston voters signed our Landmarks petition. It would be wonderful if all of you came to the hearing on Feb. 12!

This is the moment we have been waiting for, to show how much our community treasures the historic Nazzaro Building (The original North Bennet Street Bath House) and Polcari Playground at 30 North Bennet Street, Boston. The Landmarks hearing will be the moment to protect the building and open space from being demolished or destroyed by redevelopment.

Please come and bring signs showing your support for protecting the Nazzaro building!

We also are working separately on the issue of keeping the Nazzaro building and Polcari Playground in public use, as they have been for over 100 years. That issue is not part of the Landmarks Commission’s hearing, since they determine whether or not to save the building based only on its history and architecture.

Our second petition to the Mayor to keep it in public use continues to gain new support, with over 775 signatures so far. Architecture students from the Boston Architectural College are donating their time this spring to redesign the interior of this beloved community center. Their designs will be part of our proposal to the city that the building be updated for continued community use, even as a second, large new North End community center is built in another location.