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Please call and ask Mayor Michelle Wu to sign the Nazzaro building into landmark status before the end of the month! We were thrilled that the Boston Landmarks Commission voted unanimously on Sept. 12 to approve landmark status for this beautiful building at the heart of the North End. The Mayor’s signature would complete our nearly five-year effort to honor our immigrant past with landmark protection for the North End’s original bath house, which has been a beloved community center serving multiple generations of Bostonians since 1910.

Please call Mayor Wu at 617 635 4500 or use the city’s 311 app and also email the Mayor’s North End Rep Ciara D’Amico ( to register your support for her signing this into law. Once Mayor Wu signs the official landmark document as we hope she will do, then the City Council will have 30 days to override with a 2/3 vote. However we don’t expect such opposition to materialize. We totally appreciate the years of active support from our elected city and state officials, including especially Rep Aaron Michlewitz, Sen. Lydia Edwards, the North End Waterfront Residents’ Associaton and North End Waterfront Council.

Our Save the Nazzaro Coalition originally presented our two petitions at the Landmarks Commission hearing Feb. 12, 2019 with an estimated 1,500 signatures. Despite the snowstorm that night, a standing-room-only crowd spoke eloquently about protecting this iconic original bath house building and playground. The Commission this week approved its  final study report advocating that the Nazzaro building be officially protected with landmark status, expanding on our original landmark proposal.  This protection would preserve the building’s architecturally significant exterior, while still allowing interior redesign, upgrades and new public uses. The Mayor has pledged to keep the building in public use, particularly for seniors, as a modern community gym facility is built in a new location.